How-tos of git : Git commands for beginners

How-tos of git : Git commands for beginners

Git commands you should know as a beginner

If you have heard about git and wished that you had a quick glimpse of cheat codes of it then here it is for you.

Here is a listing of some commands which you might use daily when working with git.

1) How to change the current username and email

					git config --global [Your username]
git config --global [Your email]

For detailed info: git config -help

2) How to clone an existing project

Go to the repo and click on ‘clone or download’ and copy the link of repo

Move into the directory in which you have to clone the repo

					git init // Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one
git clone '' //Clone a repository into a new directory

3) How to list all branches

					git branch  // list all branches of the local repo. Branch with asterisk denotes current branch
git branch -a // list all branches of the local and remote repo

For detailed info: git branch -help

4) How to switch to another branch

					git checkout [branch name]  //switches to the desired branch of your repository

For detailed info: git checkout -help

5) How to add files to staging state

					git add .  //adds all changed files to the staging state
git add [file 1] [ file 2] ... [file n] //adds multiple files to staging

For detailed info: git add -help

6) How to commit staged files

					git commit -m [commit message] 

For detailed info: git commit -help

7) How to push changes to repo

					git push

For detailed info: git push -help

8) How to save changes temporarily and retrieve afterwards

					git stash // all uncommitted local changes have been saved 
git stash pop // The "pop" flag will reapply the last saved state

For detailed info: git stash -help

9) How to create a new branch and push it to remote

					git checkout master // checkout to the master branch
git pull // pulls the latest change from the master if any
git checkout -b [branch name] // creates a branch locally
git push -u origin [branch name] // pushes the branch to remote 

10) How to delete branch locally and remotely

Note:If you are in the branch which you want to delete then checkout to another branch

					git branch -d [branch name] // deleted branch locally
git push origin --delete [branch name] deletes the branch of remote

11) How to rename branches locally and remotely

					git branch -m [old-name] [new-name] // renames branch locally
git push origin: [old-name] [new-name] // renames the branch of remote

12) How to upload your local project to remote

Go to the root of the project folder

					git init
git add .
git commit -m "commit message"
git remote add origin [url]
git push -u origin master