Basic setup for Laravel admin panels
Basic setup for Laravel admin panels
For guys out there who don’t wanna waste time setting up admin templates every time when creating a new project, here we present you a basic laravel setup which you just have to download it and tweak it as you wish.
Note : We have used Admin LTE template which is a popular open source WebApp template for admin dashboards. Also uploaded the sql file named ‘laravel_admin.sql’ in the root directory.

Following are the features
1 Login with validation
2 Admin profile
- admin details are prefilled in the admin form
- can edit the deatils with profile pic too
- can edit the deatils with profile pic too
3 Customer module
- listing of customers with search, pagination and sorting in datatable
- adding, updating and deletion of customers along with laravel validations
Perform the following steps after cloning the project
- run composer install after you clone the project
- copy the .env.example to .env or simply rename it to .env or copy from another project and set your configurations and APP_KEY
- Create a symlink for storage (run this command – php artisan storage:link) -optional
- We have set up virtual host for this project because we prefer my urls to be ‘/public/’ free.
Login credentials
password : 123456789
So whenever you wanna setup a fresh laravel project just download it, setup the database and you are ready to focus on the main logic.